Computer Troubleshooters

Computer Troubleshooters – Tonbridge

What Computer Troubleshooters had to say about working with UK Growth Coach

When you start a business you are not provided with a user manual!  Elite athletes have coaches and elite entrepreneurs can benefit from business coaches to guide them to work on the business.

This is where Emma Cole comes in.  She brings personal experience of running a company and being coached herself so is well-placed to bring insights into your business.

I recommend that you book a business review with Emma.  She brings a fresh perspective to your company and takes the time to consider solutions to any issues you are currently facing.  I found it interesting to understand how our business is going.

Even if you think you have everything under control, it is so useful to step back from working in the business and see your position analysed using the Growth Coach system.  Go ahead, book that meeting!  You won’t regret it.

Suzanne Rice

Computer Troubleshooters – Tonbridge