Business growth services and coaching programmes

Choose a 1-2-1 coaching programme to match your situation

There are four 1-2-1 business coaching packages on offer, each one tailored for the stage your business is at and the next step in your ambition.

Every business is unique, but the fundamental principles are not. 

While industry, audience, services and products, and locations may vary, the vast majority of owners ARE keen on efficiently making a profit and achieving progress year on year.

Our dedicated small business consulting services and coaching programmes are tailored to match these varied needs and ambitions, and there is a perfect business growth programme to suit nearly all circumstances.

At UK Growth Coach, our SME business coaching services have been built to match the stages on our unique business journey model, The Progress Mountain!

The primary ‘levels’ of business progression are shown at different points on the mountain. The higher the progress, the better the results.

These progress steps have unique symptoms and challenges, and the programmes we offer to clients are designed to address the right issue at the right time and be progressive. This is because (in our view) too many coaches try and provide all solutions in one fell swoop and too often fail as a result. Going from start-up to sold is a sequence of steps, and trying to shortcut those are filled with problems!

Within our unique system, as clients achieve each progression step, they graduate to the next programme and the next phase of development is then started.

The Basics Programme: business coaching for startups and early stage businesses

Going from start-up through to basically functional

The start point is a startup business, where the business owner has an idea of a business and maybe testing approaches to defining that better.

They’ve got a concept, maybe they’ve got a skill set, and want to begin their business and start that journey. So the image that we’ve put here is a paper plane because it’s taking flight, but it isn’t necessarily the most refined approach, and there are various ways of folding the paper to get a different level and achievement out of it.

Often startup business owners are trying things for the first time, many times. They are reworking things and seeing if it works or not; before eventually reaching a stage of being basically functional. Unfortunately, this can take far longer than it should without good advice and support. In fact, lots of start-ups get stuck in this phase for many years!

The Basics Programme is for these business owners and helps ensure that each of the 10-points of the Coaching Star (the 10 fundamental points to business success) are developed into a consistent approach. This delivers a modest level of success that means this business simply doesn’t fall over or keep falling backwards.

The Growth Programme: business coaching for growth and scale

Going from to basically functional to growing and being able to scale up

The next step is to move on to growth and enable scaling. That requires a more refined model.

At this stage, we take the 10-points of the Coaching Star (link) and explore how to make elements work better and more efficiently to deliver better outcomes.

This business growth and development programme focuses on business efficiency and the development of systems that allow scaling beyond the limits of the hours that the owners themselves can apply.

The Independence Programme: achieving business efficiency

Going from scalable to owner independence

The next step is to move up towards independence.

Whilst the company is likely quite profitable by this point, it is still too reliant upon the business owner. We now have to work out those reliance points and how to reduce or remove them by refining processes, developing staff, or applying other solutions.

Automation, systematisation and support-enablement planning are critical here so that others can replicate the business owner’s roles and deliver them to the same or a better standard.

Independence is achieved when the business owner can choose to work or not, and their attendance is not what dictates the business’ performance.

The Exit Programme: succession or sale

Going from owner independent to exit ready – enabling sale or succession

The final step is to prepare for exit and prepare the business owner and the company for maximum valuation or easy succession.

To achieve high valuation, information has to be structured and presented in a particular way. There is also work to be done to attract investors and deliver the business’s value proposition as an investment. This includes demonstrating aspects such as consistency or upward-trending profitability and the future profit likelihood (when the current owner is no longer involved).

Where the current owner wants to retain ownership, our coaching support at this point is focused on succession planning instead. The development of management and leadership structures that will allow the owner to step out totally and take a passive income.

Group Online Coaching: The Profit Hunter Series

Our new Group Coaching service has been developed because we identified two circumstances business owners were finding themselves in and with very limited options for them!

The first is that either smaller businesses or start-ups were being priced out of coaching services in the market, despite needing and wanting that level of service.

The second is where owners who want to focus on boosting their knowledge or need to remind themselves and their team of key concepts but cannot yet commit to 1-2-1 coaching.

Book a free 90-min Business Review Session

You’ll get some free, independent and expert advice to help you define the future more clearly!

Sometimes identifying exactly where your business is at, and achieving clarity on where you want it to go can be the biggest battle you face as a business owner, with your time and energy pulled in every direction except the strategic direction of your own business!

That’s why we have a complimentary, no-obligation, 90-min Business Review on offer for you. A chance for you to focus on the strategy of your business with an independent and expert business coach. Have a refresh of your business owner skills, explore how to grow your business and how to improve your team’s performance.

Please note that to book a 1:2:1 review, your business must be turning over more than £100,000 annually. 

If it is not, please book a visit onto one of our group coaching workshops for free instead.